Camp Flourish Tool Kit: Building Mindfulness and Emotional Regulation Skills

As an anxiety therapist in Houston and a child therapist in Houston, I often emphasize the importance of equipping children with tools that foster mindfulness, grounding, and emotional regulation. At Camp Flourish, we've developed a variety of activities designed to do just that. Below is a toolkit of activities that you can easily integrate into your child's daily routine to help them manage anxiety, stress, and other big emotions.

Affirmation Rocks

What kids say to themselves matters! Affirmation rocks are a simple yet powerful way to help children internalize positive self-talk. During camp, we encouraged kids to choose affirmations like "kind," "loved," "brave," "strong," or "smart." They then painted these words on rocks, which serve as tangible reminders of their inner strength. These personalized, creative rocks can be kept in a pocket or on a bedside table, offering a daily boost of confidence and positivity.

Glitter Jars

Glitter jars are an excellent tool for teaching mindfulness and grounding. When shaken, the swirling glitter represents the chaos of big emotions like anger or anxiety. As the glitter slowly settles, it visually demonstrates the calming of the mind. This activity not only helps children understand emotional regulation but also provides a concrete method to help them refocus when overwhelmed.

Meditation: Safe Calm Place

Meditation is a powerful practice that helps children focus inward. At Camp Flourish, we introduced the "Safe Calm Place" guided meditation. By imagining a safe space and engaging all five senses—sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste—children learn to explore their emotions neutrally and let them pass. This practice supports emotional regulation and enhances self-awareness.

Breathing Squares

Teaching children the box breathing method using pipe cleaner squares is a fun and effective way to practice mindfulness. The breathing square is a tactile object that guides children through breathing in for four seconds, holding for four seconds, breathing out for four seconds, and holding again. This technique is a valuable coping skill for managing stress and anxiety, giving children a sense of control over their emotional responses.


Creating and playing with slime is more than just a fun activity—it’s a way to promote self-expression, confidence, and mindfulness. Children have control over the texture, color, and feel of the slime, which engages their senses and allows for creative exploration. Incorporating slime into a mindfulness practice helps children focus, relax, and explore their emotions in a playful, hands-on way.

Nature Walks

Nature walks are an excellent way to help children self-regulate and reflect. The simple act of walking, combined with observing the beauty and details of the natural world, can help calm the nervous system. Walking also serves as a form of bilateral stimulation, facilitating emotional processing and making it easier for children to communicate and connect with others.

Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling is a powerful tool for cultivating a positive mindset. By focusing on what they are grateful for, children train their brains to seek out and appreciate the good in their lives. This practice can help shift their perspective, reducing anxiety and fostering a more optimistic outlook.


Gardening is a hands-on way to practice mindfulness in nature. Whether it’s choosing a plant or observing its growth, gardening engages the senses and encourages children to slow down and be present. This activity also teaches patience and nurtures a connection to the natural world, providing a calming and grounding experience.


Yoga is a wonderful practice for helping children connect with their bodies and emotions. It enhances the mind-body connection, teaching children to recognize how their thoughts and feelings manifest physically. Yoga also builds self-confidence and can be a great bonding activity for parents and children, creating a shared space for relaxation and emotional growth.

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating teaches children to be present during meals, focusing on the taste, smell, and texture of their food. This practice helps children develop a healthy relationship with food, recognize hunger and fullness cues, and understand the emotional aspects of eating.


Music is a powerful tool for mindfulness and emotional regulation. Listening to music can be a calming experience that enhances focus and relaxation. By discussing the emotions felt during or after listening to a song, children can learn to identify and process their feelings in a healthy way.


Drawing is a creative outlet that promotes mindfulness. By focusing on the textures, sounds, and movements involved in drawing, children can engage their senses and express emotions that may be difficult to articulate. Drawing alongside your child also provides an opportunity to model mindfulness and emotional regulation, demonstrating that it’s okay to slow down and focus on the present moment.

At Camp Flourish, we believe in empowering children with the tools they need to navigate their emotions and build resilience. Whether you’re looking for an anxiety therapist in Houston or a child therapist in Houston, these activities are a great starting point for supporting your child’s emotional well-being. Try them out at home, and watch your child’s confidence and mindfulness grow!