Disgruntled and exhausted during a time of chaos: how to shift your life and get out of that mid-year funk
You’ve done all the things you were “supposed” to do this year.
You successfully kept your family safe from the millions of threats. You never would’ve imagined that your 2021 New Years’ resolution would read, “Keep my family safe and hopefully return to living a normal, pre-COVID life.”
You made it. Your life looks seemingly perfect—the job, the home, the family, the body. You’re healthy—well, at least that’s what the numbers say.
From the outside, you have it all together. People admire you. So, you’re doing life well, right? Why change something that doesn’t look broken?
On the inside, it’s a different story for you.
You are empty, numb, not able to feel.
You don’t remember what “normal” feels like.
You have lost yourself.
You forgot how to have fun.
Your life feels forced, difficult, “off.”
You are going through the motions, living on auto-pilot.
You feel overwhelmed, anxious, maybe even angry.
There is never enough time in the day.
Your nights are filled with guilt, worry, and fear.
You have a hard time being present. You are always thinking about the things that you “should” be doing.
Your life does not seem to be working. You know you are here for more—not just surviving—and it’s so frustrating because you’re not sure what that is or how to get it.
Is the year of COVID and quarantining what is making you feel off? Or is something missing from your life? It’s become hard to tell what isn’t working. You can’t put your finger on it.
You are not alone.
This last year has felt like a lot of pushing, forcing, proving, and making everything so much harder than it needs to be.
So I ask you….
What would it feel like to wake up and go through the day without the weight of anxiety?
What if life felt more fun, relaxed, and easy?
Life isn’t meant to be hard.
We were not put on earth to struggle.
The shift starts with YOU…right now.
August is when things start up again. Summer ends and the kids go back to school. This is a great time to reflect on the year and envision what you want from of the rest of it. How do you want to feel? What do you value in your life right now and what do you want to unroot?
August is the perfect time to reconnect with what you value. We don’t need to wait until January for our lives to be what we want them to be. We don’t need to set a New Years’ resolutions only once a year. Let August be a time of reflection and realignment with what is important to you.
Change starts now.
So what do you want?
Is the life that you’re living in alignment with your values? Where are you going in the next months, years, decades? Being able to identify the values you align with and those you don’t will help you fill your life with only the things you care deeply about.
It’s time to get you back on your track and thriving. It is possible, even amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the rest of this year.