Now Offering Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy at The Flourishing Way

Here at The Flourishing Way, we believe in holistic healing and transformative growth. In our ever-evolving quest to provide innovative approaches to mental wellness, we are thrilled to introduce Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) as a powerful tool for inner exploration and personal development.

At The Flourishing Way, we understand that true healing encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. That's why we're excited to offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, a therapeutic approach that blends the benefits of ketamine with the expert guidance of our skilled therapists to facilitate profound transformation.

Expert Guidance: The Foundation of KAP

Central to the effectiveness of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is the presence of our experienced therapists who specialize in this unique modality. With a deep understanding of the nuances of KAP, our therapists prioritize thorough preparation and integration to ensure a safe and transformative experience for our clients.

Patience and Commitment: Embracing the Process

At The Flourishing Way, we recognize that healing is not a quick fix. Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy requires patience and commitment, as it unfolds gradually over time. Each session builds upon the last, guiding our clients on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

Expressive Nature: Redefining Psychotropic Therapy

Unlike traditional psychotropic medications that suppress or alter brain functions, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an expressive process. It encourages the exploration and acknowledgment of emotions and thoughts, fostering a deeper understanding of underlying issues and promoting true healing.

Neuroplasticity at Work: Rewiring Neuropathways

One of the most intriguing aspects of Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy is its ability to rewire neural pathways and promote neuroplasticity. Through the introspective journey facilitated by ketamine, new connections are formed in the brain, paving the way for transformative shifts in perception and behavior.

Empowering Self-Discovery: Tapping into the Inner Healer

At The Flourishing Way, we believe in the innate wisdom and healing capacity within each individual. Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy unlocks this inner healer, allowing clients to tap into their inner intelligence and gain profound insights into themselves.

In conclusion, Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy represents a promising frontier in mental health treatment, offering a unique blend of pharmacological intervention and psychotherapeutic support. At The Flourishing Way, we're dedicated to guiding our clients on an inward journey of transformation and self-discovery. Join us as we embark on this path to flourishing together.

If you're ready to explore Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and embark on a journey of transformation, contact us at The Flourishing Way to schedule a consultation. Your path to healing starts here.


First-Time Patients:

  • Initial medical consultation with Journey Clinical: $250

  • Cost of medication: $85 (enough for 2 sessions)

Ongoing treatment

  • Follow-up medical consultation with Journey Clinical: $150 (at least 1X per quarter)

  • Cost of medication: $145 (enough for up to 6 sessions)

Typical Treatment is sessions 1-2x a month for up to 6 dosing sessions. Individualized treatment plans can include more or less depending on your goals and your teams recommendation.

In-Office dosing sessions with your therapist are typically 3 hour blocks for $525 each session. Out-of-network reimbursement is available as well as FSA and HSA accounts can be used for payment.


We partner with Journey Clinical to provide our clients transformative and accessible treatment for Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy.