You don’t have to carry the weight of the world alone: Connect with other young adults at the Flourishing Way
It's easy to get caught up in what we don’t have—the ways our minds don’t work. How we don’t look. The extra ripple on our stomachs. The pimple on our foreheads. What we don’t know. The things we don’t have. The work we haven't done. The college we aren’t going to. The job we haven’t gotten. The dreams we haven't achieved. The money we don't have. The list is endless, really. We could run forever on a hamster wheel toward the things we don’t have. It’s exhausting.
Having a space to verbally process what you’re facing—without any judgment—is hard to come by. Your friends, family and significant others are biased, and although they don’t intend to add to your stress, they likely are because they are attached to you and want what they think is best for you. Spoiler alert: you are the one who knows what’s best for you.
And we’re here to tell you that it's not your stomach that matters, nor what your mind can or can’t compute. Everything you have to give this world is already in you, and it is right in this moment, not when x or y happens. It has nothing to do with the way you look, what you know, how much you earn, where you live, or what you’ve accomplished today. It has to do with the love you give yourself and others in each moment. And you have had this love inside of you all along.
Starting in October, we’re opening up a limited number of spots for our in-person group for college aged women just like you. This group will meet once every other week to process experiences with others. Through yoga and group support, you get an unbiased team behind you helping you navigate life on your terms.
What’s so great about this group? It’s an opportunity to learn from peers. Remember, you’re not alone in your most difficult times of uncertainty. This group is a no-judgment zone led by a therapist who has been there. It is intended for you to get support so you can skip the BS of your early adulthood and get to the life you know deep down is out there for you.
What you get:
A place to feel heard without the judgment.
Get real-time feedback from others who know the struggle or are going through something similar.
Learn how your head gets in your way.
Gain clarity in the unknown.
Learn strategies to face big obstacles with confidence.
Address the doubt and fear that’s holding you back from doing what you love.
Discover your purpose.
Learn to lead with your strengths and stop getting stuck in the comparison trap.
Core principles of group:
The Truth sets you free.
Relate well to others.
Uniqueness is your gift.
Thrive in all areas of your life.
Helping others humbles us.
Begins October 21st
Every other Friday from 12:30 - 2:30pm
Meet your group facilitator:
Shari Bingham knows that life can be quite challenging at times. But she also believes that there are many ways for us to find our way out of the darkness. Finding supportive communities is one of those ways.
As a 200-hour registered yoga teacher and Licensed Professional Counselor, Shari has practiced integrating the mind and body for many years. She stumbled upon yoga years after she found sobriety. Today, Shari celebrates over 14.5 years sober. When we seek the support of community, we can go further together.
Shari loves facilitating young-adult group because she finds this group is exactly what she needed in her 20s, and while she found meaningful friendships organically during her 20s, she can see how it’s important (and harder) to find supporting communities post-COVID and within a remote-work world.